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2. My favorite one: "Suzuki Maresama." A: I'm the third user to come up with this kind of list; there are probably many more. Radermacher 3, Water Filter. Meaning is obscure, but the phrase is not ungrammatical. Ersatztöpfe Meaning is oblique, but not ungrammatical. I would put these in order of how often I see them in writing. Rundschreiben Rundschreiben is a common form of letter, used when you want to write a letter in which you address a lot of people (for example). Taschenrechner In business communication you often hear this: "Read all of the previous correspondence before you respond". Stereoskop "View stereo via your TV" is a common phrase you might hear in the context of TV commercials. Konzertkarte The part of the price of an event that corresponds to the number of seats available. For example, if you are talking about tickets to a concert and three seats are available you might say: "Entschuldigung, das Konzert kostet 1.000 Euro. Die Karte ist nicht negativ, sondern 1000 Euro. Der Konzertkarte." Eckkarte A business card, or sometimes just a piece of paper with a phone number written on it. Telefonnummern Telephone numbers Raumkarte A map with a room number (so you can show where the room is). Buchladen Bookshop Abzug "Amount taken" is common for fees (e.g. in restaurants). Einführen in ein System "Enter the system". Bankkarte Business card Pfand "Purchase" or "ticket". Mehrfachhaltiges Papier "Multi-ply paper". Bürokarte Business card. Bank of America Corp. disclosed in a regulatory filing Thursday that hackers made off with data from about 83 million accounts, while JPMorgan Chase & Co. reported that its

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